Top things to avoid when trying to get and stay healthy.

Top things to avoid when trying to get active and healthy. 

Fad Diets, there is always the next best diet idea out there. Good nutrition and maintaining an active lifestyle will always win in the long run. There is no quick path the wellness it takes time and effort.

Negative people, there will always be the nay sayers that will tell why something will not work. You do not need that negativity in your life for any reason. 

Old habits, They die hard. Those habits will fight you with everything they have to get you back to your comfort zone. Nothing grows in the comfort zone. Develop good habits and stick with them. If the goal scares you, it's worth it. 

Calling it quits due to a setback. We all fall down. It took me 4 years of falling hard to get up off the mat. I will fall again. Learn from mistakes and keep moving forward. No program or person is perfect. Progress not perfection.

Excessive anything. You are looking for balance. Nobody is saying to cut out anything. (Except smoking or vaping! Just no. You know better, find a program and quit.) Alcohol, caffeine, sweets, processed foods, etc. all within moderation. What does that look like for you? I can't tell you that, but I know when I go too far with something. Once you are in tune with your bodies needs it will tell you when you go overboard.

Trying to keep up with the younger you and younger crowd. As we age our bodies change. I need rest and lots of it. I can't stay out till 2 am having a good time and be at all productive the next day. I used to be able to run 10 miles not stretch and then go run another 6 the next day like it was nothing. Our bodies need to be taken care off.